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viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2021

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021

Python Script Automation Using Task Scheduler (Windows)

Fuente:   https://www.jcchouinard.com/python-automation-using-task-scheduler/

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This post is part of the complete Guide on Python for SEO

This post will show you how to schedule a Python Script execution using Windows Task Scheduler. This will help you automate tasks using Python on Windows.

Use crontab for python script automation on Mac.

With python scripts, you could extract data from Google Search Console and Google Analytics every day and send yourself a weekly email report. You could log all your keywords every day or automate your keywords research.

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Before we can cover all that, we need to learn how to use Windows Task Scheduler.

What is Windows Task Scheduler?

Windows Task Scheduler is a component that gives the ability to schedule and automate tasks in Windows by running scripts or programs automatically at a given moment.

Get Started Using Windows Task Scheduler

To run your python scheduler you will need to create a task, create an action, add the path to your python executable file and to you python script and add a trigger to schedule your script.

1. Create Your First Task

Search for “Task Scheduler”.

This will open the Windows Task Scheduler GUI.

Go to Actions > Create Task…

Give a name

2. Create an Action

Go to Actions > New

3. Add the Python Executable File to the Program Script

Find the Python Path using where python in the command line.

where python

From the command prompt copy the script to use in the action.


or in my case


In Program/Script, add the path that you have copied from the command line.

4. Add the Path to Your Python Script in the Arguments

Go to the folder where your Python script is located. Right-click on the file and select Copy as path.

If you have a file located at this location.


In the "Add arguments (optional)” box, you will add the name of your python file.


In the "Start in (optional)" box, you will add the location of your python file.


Click “OK”.

Note: Alternatively, you could create a batch file combining your Python script and Python executable file in a .bat file.

5. Trigger Your Script Execution

Go to “Triggers” > New

Choose the repetition that you want. Here you can schedule python scripts to run daily, weekly, monthly or just one time.

Click “OK”

Once, you have set this up, your trigger is now active and your python script will run automatically every day.

Task Scheduler Python Script Automation FAQs

📙Can Task Scheduler run a Python script?

Yes, you can execute a Python script with Windows Task Scheduler. If your script works using the command prompt, you can schedule your script to run at a specific time and date.

🐍How to schedule a Python script with Task Scheduler?

To schedule a Python script with Task scheduler, create an action and add the path to your Python executable file, add the path to the script in the “Start in” box and add the name of the Python file ase an argument. Then, create a trigger to schedule the execution of your script.

Does Task Scheduler work when computer is sleeping?

It does not work by default, but you could enable it in the conditions tab. To run your script while your computer is sleeping, just select the option: “Wake the computer to run this task”.

That’s it, you now know how to run a Python script automatically using Windows Task Scheduler.

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2021

Deploying an application from GitLab to Azure App Service


Tomado de: https://rlaput.github.io/Azure-GitLab-Autodeploy/

Deploying an application from GitLab to Azure App Service

This post is about deploying an application from GitLab source control to Azure App Service. Since this post is just to show you how to do it, you should already have intermediate knowledge on the following:

Azure App Service Deployment Source Control Options

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As you can see in the image above, GitLab is not in the choices. We will be using the External option in this post.

Generating SSH Key From Kudu

In your Azure portal, click on your App Service and scroll down to Development Tools option group. Choose Advanced Tools and click Go.

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You will be redirected to Kudu Services for your App Service:

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Add /api/sshkey?ensurePublicKey=1 to the url above to generate a public SSH key for the app service. Press enter.

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You will be navigated to a very simple page with the text "ssh-rsa <hashed string here>". Copy the text without the beginning and trailing quotation marks to a text editor. We will use this later on.

Setting Up Deploy Keys in GitLab

Navigate to your project in GitLab. Go to Settings->Repository.

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Expand Deploy Keys. Input your desired deploy key name in the Title field. Paste the generated public SSH key from Kudu into the Key field. Leave the Write access allowed checkbox unchecked (since we only need to give read access to Kudu for deployment) and click Add key.

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Adding GitLab Project as Deployment Source In Azure Portal

Navigate to you App Service in Azure Portal. Open Deployment Center, choose External, then click Continue.

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Choose App Service Kudu build server as build provider then continue.

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Copy your GitLab project SSH Url.

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Paste it into the Repository field. Enter branch name to be deployed. Choose Git for repository type. Continue and Finish.

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Wait for a few seconds and let Azure deploy your app. Status will change to Success when the deployment succeeds. If there are new changes to master branch, click on Sync so that Azure will pull and deploy the latest changes.

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Auto-Deployment using Webhook

The steps above allow us to deploy an application from source control manually using Azure portal. The next procedures will allow us to automate the deployment to Azure everytime there are new changes in that branch using webhooks.

First, we need our app credentials so that our webhook can authenticate to Kudu and let it deploy our application using its deploy endpoint. Go to Deployment Center, click on Deployment Credentials beside Sync, then copy the password.

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The deploy endpoint format:


Replace <sitename> with your App Service name and <password> with the password you copied from deployment credentials. Example: https://$testautodeployappsvc:rTi7HJX8t1Lb0C638n0mJGppLA7Kwva6HjrwudBKHF9jhxeN7bls02sjrd6X@testautodeployappsvc.scm.azurewebsites.net/deploy

Navigate to your project in GitLab, go to Settings->Integrations. Input the constructed url above based on your site name and password. Check Push events and input master in the field. This means that deployment webhook will be triggered when there is a push event in master branch. Finally, click Add webhook button.

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Now, I tried pushing a commit in master branch with comment message some change in master branch. Upon checking Deployment Center, the latest change has been deployed automatically without clicking Sync button.

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viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

OCR C# Nuget


using System;


namespace POC_OCR_ConsoleApp


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            var ocr = new IronOcr.IronTesseract().Read(@"C:\Users\EBS-WC-LPT01\Downloads\2021-07-16_10h51_54.png");









martes, 30 de marzo de 2021

SQL SERVER – Select Columns from Stored Procedure Resultset


First we will create a sample stored procedure.

SELECT 1 AS Col1, 2 AS Col2
SELECT 11, 22

Now we will create a table where we will temporarily store the result set of stored procedures. We will be using INSERT INTO and EXEC command to retrieve the values and insert into temporary table.

CREATE TABLE #TempTable (Col1 INT, Col2 INT)

Next we will retrieve our data from stored procedure.

FROM #TempTable

Finally we will clean up all the objects which we have created.


Let me know if you want me to share such back to basic tips.