Buscar contenidos

viernes, 25 de agosto de 2017

SQL Consulta para obtener tablas sin uso desde el último reseteo del servidor

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1. [Conteo Total de Ejecuciones] 
2. [Procedimiento que Consume mas CPU]
3. [Procedimientos con mayor tiempo de ejecucion]

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-- Create CTE for the unused tables, which are the tables from the sys.all_objects and 
-- not in the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats table

; with UnUsedTables (TableName , TotalRowCount, CreatedDate , LastModifiedDate )
AS (
  SELECT DBTable.name AS TableName
     ,PS.row_count AS TotalRowCount
     ,DBTable.create_date AS CreatedDate
     ,DBTable.modify_date AS LastModifiedDate
  FROM sys.all_objects  DBTable
     JOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats PS ON OBJECT_NAME(PS.object_id)=DBTable.name
  WHERE DBTable.type ='U'
                     FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
                     WHERE OBJECT_ID = DBTable.object_id )
-- Select data from the CTE
SELECT TableName , TotalRowCount, CreatedDate , LastModifiedDate
FROM UnUsedTables
ORDER BY TotalRowCount ASC

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